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Cleaning the Coastlines

Posted by Amanda Hicks on Thursday, April 5th, 2018 at 6:08am.

The Great American Cleanup is a nationwide beach cleanup in honor of Earth Day. Next Saturday, people all over the country will head to the beach with a bag and gloves to pick up litter that pollutes our oceans and kills marine life.

Singer Island is an important beach to keep clean because many Loggerheads and other sea turtles use it as a nesting ground. The tiny island sees a whole 5 percent of the Loggerhead population and last year the Loggerhead Marinelife Center recorded 4,000 nests. 

You can help keep our beaches beautiful by participating in a beach cleanup with local non-profits like the Friends of John D. MacArthur Beach State Park. They'll be be participating in the Great American Cleanup and hosting a beach clean on Saturday, April 14th. Meet at the park at 8 a.m. and tidy up the Singer Island coastline until noon. 

For more information call 561-624-6952.

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